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Are you offering cloud storage solutions to your end-customers? You could be, and given the potential, we reckon you should be. In the past 5 years software-defined storage (SDS) platforms like Ceph and Swift have evolved dramatically; today they are redefining the cost of durable, shared storage infrastructure delivered at enterprise-lev ...
Tom Barber at Meteorite explains how beneficial Juju Charms has been when migrating customer services from old, tricky servers. I promised a demo of Juju GUI in my earlier blog and we’ve worked hard on a Pentaho Data Integration charm, so I figured we’d combine the two. For those of you who don’t know, Juju ...
Without the community, Ubuntu would not exist. Ubuntu software is free and accessible to all and without the rich contributions, it wouldn’t be the service and brand it is today. The community is welcoming to people of all background and skills, it thrives to keep the Ubuntu project growing and is committed to open source ...
Day 2 of Mobile World Congress was awesome. The overarching theme of the day was again focused on NFV (Network Functions Virtualisation). But before we get to that, I’m excited to announce that Canonical received a Best of Show award from Trusted Reviews for the BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Tablet. A huge crowd gathered to ...
The OpenStack user survey is a key input into many decisions that are made in the OpenStack community: it helps determine which projects are prioritised by the Product Working Group and as well as shaping distributions like Ubuntu OpenStack. So if you haven’d completed it please do so today: ...
Bhaskar Gorti, President, Applications and Analytics at Nokia discusses Service Modeling and NFV deploymentThis is my first Mobile World Congress (MWC), and I have to say, the event is truly huge. Canonical is here demonstrating converged mobile/desktop technology, IoT drones and robots, top of rack switch integration on Snappy Ubuntu Cor ...
The most powerful Ubuntu phone was just announced last week, Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu edition is now available to pre-order from Meizu retailing at USD$369.99 The Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition will be showcased for the very first time at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona, drop by the Ubuntu stand in Hall 3 (booth 3J30) ...
Canonical announces the creation of the first VNF Performance Interoperability Lab for scale out infrastructure Enables service providers to rigorously test their VNF performance and interoperability before deploying in live network architecture Dramatic reduction in cost and time for deploying new services Affirmed, Metaswitch and GENBAN ...
Today, we’re celebrating the arrival of two new Ubuntu phone community ports! If you’re the lucky owner of a Sony Xperia Z1 you will soon be able to download an image to turn it into an Ubuntu phone and PC! Alternatively if you’re the owner of a OnePlus One you will be able to flash ...
Highest specification Ubuntu phone launches internationally with Meizu Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition available for pre-order during Mobile World Congress 2016 Host of new features: the fifth Ubuntu device launched by Canonical and partners in 12 months Chinese smartphone manufacturer Meizu, jointly with Canonical, announces the global launch ...
We’ve submitted several talks to the OpenStack Summit in Austin. We’ve listed them all below with links to where to vote for each talk so if you think they are interesting – please vote for them! Understanding updates to the Ubuntu Cloud Archive Speaker: Mark Baker Over 2000 organisations build OpenStack clouds using packages fromthe ...
There’s no shortage of excitement, controversy, and readership, any time you can work “Docker” into a headline these days. Perhaps a bit like “Donald Trump”, but for CIO tech blogs and IT news — a real hot button. Hey, look, I even did it myself in the title of this post!Sometimes an article even starts out about CoreOS, but gets divert ...