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Welcome to the latest issue of Cloud Chatter. This month, don’t miss: An overview of our widely applauded universal “snap” packages launch A fantastic free trial offer for using Ubuntu on POWER8 with IBM’s Softlayer A story about a leading middle eastern telco launching an NFV cloud using OpenStack and Juju Steps on how to ...
Etisalat, the Middle East’s leading telecoms provider announced today (download PDF) that it has built and launched its first live Network Function Virtualization telco cloud in Abu Dhabi. The NFV-based telco infrastructure has been built with Quanta servers, Arista switches and Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack, a multi-vendor combination int ...
The kernel is the fundamental core of a computer operating system. It is the first program to load, and it manages all core functions of the computer. With the expanding role of the Linux kernel in systems today, Canonical is often asked to provide leadership and support for kernel offerings for many purposes. Recently, Network ...
Vendors delivering SAAS experience on-premises with Juju charms Charms encapsulate deployment, integration, management, support, operations Reusable charms greatly reduce the operations cost of big software Centres of gravity around big data, machine learning and container management Rapid growth in use of Juju for OpenStack operations ...
IBM Systems Magazine Webinar “Discover the Cloud and Scale Out World of Ubuntu”held on 27 April 2016 Recently announced support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on IBM LinuxONE and z Systems has created a paradigm shift in a world that often does not see much change. Systems that cannot fail, systems that the world relies on, ...
Canonical is excited to announce that ScaleDB has joined the Charm Partner Programme (CPP). Canonical’s CPP helps solution providers make best use of Canonical’s universal application modeling tool, Juju; enabling instant workload deployment, integration, and scaling with a click of a mouse. The Juju Charm Store has more than 250 cloud ba ...
The most recent OpenStack user survey has gone live. In it we see tremendous growth for Ubuntu OpenStack in production clouds. We’re super excited about the support the community continues to show for Ubuntu. Here at Canonical we get to work with the world’s largest production OpenStack clouds, from telco to big data and pure ...
Discover the range of industries, people and services that are using Ubuntu right now. Netflix. Snapchat. Dropbox. Uber. Tesla…and the International space station – what do they all have in common? They run on Ubuntu. To celebrate our upcoming 16.04 LTS we wanted to shine a bit of light on how many people in the ...
This week we were able to catch up with Ryan Beisner who is an OpenStack QA Engineer. Ryan is super excited to share his experience with Canonical and his excitement about attending the OpenStack Summit. How long have you been with the company? I’m in my third year with Canonical. In many ways, it has ...
This is the fifth blog post in this series about LXD 2.0.Container imagesIf you’ve used LXC before, you probably remember those LXC “templates”, basically shell scripts that spit out a container filesystem and a bit of configuration.Most templates generate the filesystem by doing a full distribution bootstrapping on your local machine. Th ...
We caught up with Bill Bauman the Cloud Content Marketing Manager at Canonical to give us an insight into his work and his love for technology. What do you do at Canonical I came from a technical background, but at Canonical I run content and strategy for our cloud marketing team. That means I get ...
For the whole Canonical team, Mobile World Congress 2016 was a momentous event. Not only were we sitting alongside some of the biggest technology companies in the world in Hall 3, but our big, beautiful stand was the best yet; showing off our latest innovation perfectly. Mobile World Congress was the perfect place to ...