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Galem KAYO
on 28 October 2019

Learn about our differentiated approach to IoT digital transformation at IoTSWC.

Canonical will be present at the 2019 IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) in Barcelona from Tuesday 29th October at booth 224 in hall 2.  We are convening to the flagship IoT event, alongside more than 350 leading suppliers of IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain solutions.

Businesses attending IOTSWC are investing to transform their core activities with emerging digital innovations. Canonical’s mission is to empower innovators – big and small – around the world. To this end, we have developed a uniquely differentiated approach to IoT digital transformation, our goals being to accelerate delivery and boost return on investment.

The key pillars of our differentiated approach to IoT are open-source software, cloud-native technologies, and platform ecosystems. Our IoT solutions are open source, which drives software quality thanks to community feedback, but also reduces development costs and time to market. What’s more, we are introducing cloud-native technologies like containers, Kubernetes, DevOps, and continuous delivery to the realm of IoT. Finally, we foster platform ecosystems with app stores for any IoT device. App stores enable the development of new business models and feature enhancements through applications.

Visit our booth to find out more about our IoT solutions. Our demos will highlight a machine vision solutions at the edge built on open source tools, a device management solution, as well as a deployment of EdgeX – the open-source edge IoT platform. A team of Canonical representatives from Engineering and Product Strategy will be happily available to discuss further.

We are looking forward to seeing you at IoTSWC. Let’s together explore the competitive advantages that our approach can deliver to your business. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us, to schedule a visit.

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